Learn with the community
- CNS's Information Visualization MOOC http://ivmooc.cns.iu.edu/
- Knight Center's Data Visualization and Infographics with D3.js
- Udacity's Data Visualization and D3.js https://www.udacity.com/course/data-visualization-and-d3js--ud507
- list of 35: http://bigdata-madesimple.com/35-invaluable-books-on-data-visualization/
- list http://www.thefunctionalart.com/2012/10/recommended-readings-for-infographics.html
- Visualization Analysis and Design
- The Grammer of Graphics
- list of 30 of them: http://visualoop.com/blog/13484/the-30-data-viz-blogs-you-cant-miss-in-one-place
There are plenty of books to learn datavis, but they usually are more about design or about specific tools like D3 than about datavis as a field, as a job and as a process.